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How to Invest

How to Invest: Navigating the Brave New World of Personal Investment

(Economist Books)  – March 7, 2023

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A dynamic new guide to personal investment for the era of cryptocurrencies and personal trading platforms.


We’re all investors now.

The first quarter of the new century has seen developments in technology, monetary policy, and the management of large companies that have transformed personal savings and investment around the world.

Love it, loathe it, or just not interested in it, this innovation has changed not only the nature of money, but our understanding of what it means to invest—whether we want to safeguard our pensions, experiment with personal trading platforms, or simply understand how the markets really work.

How to Invest aims to help investors navigate this new world, offering a principles-based, keep-it-simple approach to help them make investment decisions and have investment conversations that will make the most of their money.


Meet the Authors

How to Invest: Navigating the Brave New World of Personal Investment

Meet The Authors


The Book
“ Mindboggling.  How the authors managed to get so much good information and advice into How To Invest is a mystery to me, but they did. Despite the time that many investors spend on more complicated investments,  the authors remind us that a keep-it-simple framework is more than adequate to sustain an investor's spending plans…..
If you only have one book in your investing library, make it this one.” 

Harold Evensky,  founder of Evensky ; Katz/ Foldes Wealth Management

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“The book discusses how to invest.  It does not give advice on which investments would suit a particular investor.  

For such advice, investors should seek the services of a qualified professional.  The authors, the publisher and The Economist cannot be held responsible for any loss incurred as a result of specific investments or wealth planning decisions made by the reader.”

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